Want to volunteer or become a LIFE Support member! Volunteers are welcome in every capacity!!!  Depending on the time you can commit, please let us know by filling out the contact page!  We will get you connected in an area for you to serve. LIFE Support members are people who have a strong desire to serve with Branches Ministries as a representative of their organization’s chapter.  Many of our LIFE Support members are those we have served in various ways, who see first hand the importance and impact of Branches Ministries, and simply want to spread the word and give back too!


LIFE Support are what we call chapter volunteers.  You will come in contact with people daily who just need love, support and someone to be there for them. We are encouragers, motivators, listeners and friends. Our goal is to serve others through LOVE and HOPE. LIFE Support members are the volunteers committed to carry out the mission of Branches for their chapter. We meet monthly at various locations to connect, inform and grow. During these meeting we talk about upcoming events, explore new ideas and have exercises to promote person grown and nourishment. If you would like to attend a meeting so see if its right for you we would love to have you, specific meeting information can be found on our FaceBook Page, like us to stay connected with events and the latest information.

LIFE Support Representative Process:

  If you are interested in starting the process to be a LIFE Support member for your chapter, they would be honored to have you. Talk to your Branches director or email Katie at, she will give you step by step directions on what you need to do. We hope to hear from you soon.


Part of the application process is to have 2 references, these should be completed by non-family members whom know you and have spend time with you personally and or professionally. The reference should not be done by you, the applicant, but by the person you want us to speak with on your behalf.

Click on the link HERE, fill in your information and answer the questions. Sign, date it and hit submit. It’s a very easy process. Thank you for your willingness to help us get identify strong role models in our efforts!

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